Tuesday–31 January 2017

By on January 31st, 2017 in Just Saying ...

Just a few louds in the blue sky this morning with a light wind. Current temp is about 42F. Weather forecasters say that cold air is coming. High/lows are forecast at 43/25F over the next couple of days, with clear skies. Then some rain and perhaps low-elevation snow over the weekend, with temps 32-44F. We are close to the Puget Sound (only 1/2 mile away), so the warmer water usually prevents any snow lower than 500’ elevation (our elevation is 190’), although we did get about an inch in December that stuck around for a day.

I spend most of my day in the living room, facing the wall of windows overlooking the little harbor here and out to Puget Sound. So I see lots of cargo ships, and the occasional submarine heading to Bangor WA.

Bremerton WA is also home to a big naval base, and there are always a few aircraft carriers in the harbor there. Today, I saw an aircraft carrier transiting Puget Sound outside my window. That was fun to see. Not sure which one it was; I use the http://www.MarineTraffic.com web site, which shows commercial and private ship locations. Today it is showing a line of big (huge) container ships heading to the ports in Portland. But it never shows the Navy vessels on the map, although sometimes you see the support vessels (tenders and US Coast Guard). So don’t know which aircraft carrier went by. But was nifty to view through my binoculars for a few minutes while it transited my view of the Puget Sound.

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