Book Marketing – and Writing

By on May 21st, 2019 in Books

The last couple of days, I’ve spent quite a bit of time on the marketing side of book writing. I’ve done a lot of research, and then tried to apply that research to the book and author web sites I have.

The main focus has been the Light Blink book site at . That’s because Light Blink – Book Two is ready for publication. That required a bit of work on the submitting the book to Amazon, with some tweaking of the book description and pricing. (The prices of the Light Blink books are being reduced during the Book Two introduction.)

That required a bit of tweaking to the Light Blink book site. Some updated of graphics, and a new ‘landing page’ to quickly capture newsletter signups. When you sign up for the newsletter, you get a free copy of the Pre-Blink prequel story of the Light Blink series. You can do that here

And I also did some tweaking of the Digital Choke book. It got a new cover, and some minor changes inside. And a new lower price. You’ll find information about all that on it’s own web site .

Then some updates to the FaceBook pages for the Light Blink book, and the author page. And some new graphics. And some final tweaks to the author site at .

And, for fans of the Light Blink series, I am doing some work on Book Three. Still in the first draft mode, and not quite sure of the ending (and most of the middle). But, progress is being made – which you can see on the Light Blink web site.

Hopefully all of this marketing effort will pay off. At least enough income to pay for this place.

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