Pam went off to Texas to visit her sister and mother yesterday. While there, she misjudged a step on their front porch and took a header. That resulted in a trip to the ER, where they found a broken left elbow and a broken right hand.
The result is wraps on both arms, since they didn’t want to do a cast yet. She’s coming home early to get to the orthopedic doctor on Monday. Since both arms are essentially unusable, not to mention the Vicodin fuzzing up things, looks like I’ll be on nurse duty for a while when she gets back. Luckily, I can work from home when needed, although not sure how long she will be unable to work.
The “FileHurl” place ( , free unlimited file transfers) is slowly getting some traction. There are now over 300 people that have ‘hurled’ a file, with over 600GB of files hurled so far. And I got a nice treat last weekend – my first donation to help cover the expenses of running the place.
A few changes in store there: I’ve started a blog page (courtesy of Blogger). Noticed that the site ‘favicon’ was changed, though. I need to work on the paid advertising links to automate them a bit … the links are hard coded, and are just mine. The plan is for affiliate-type links, but I want to ensure that the links are to products I have used or can recommend.
And the dishwasher at home has decided to take a vacation. Some troubleshooting of that is on the weekend agenda.
So sorry to hear about Pam, bummer!! Give her our love and —– this is just to let you know that we read and appreciate you putting this family blog together. It’s fun to hear and see what ‘the fam’ is doing.
Have a good weekend. Love, Clare