Things are starting to change at our place.
Budget problem ($50 million deficit) at the office is requiring some massive cutbacks. The IT department has to cut back 35%, which means that there will be less bodies around here. One of those ‘less bodies’ appears to be mine, at the moment.
There is a possibility that some labor contract changes might help a bit, but that it not certain. Although things haven’t finalized yet, it looks like next fiscal year (starts in July) will be the start of a job change for me.
I’ve got 23 years here, and there is a buyout if I leave voluntarily. So, after much consideration, it looks like retirement is upcoming. Financially, we’ll be OK (even though I am ‘only’ 57), especially if we make some other changes.
So, the house is on the market, even though not the best time to sell. Our realtor (family friend) is optimistic, though, since there is some buying action in our area. It may be that we can find a buyer in about two months, and time the closing to be near the end of June.
Our plan is to move to Utah. Both of our daughters will be there by then. Christine has been there with her family for a couple of years, and Stacy is taking a job at the Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City. I’ve got a sister in SLC and one in Denver area, so that is also an advantage.
With our house sold, we can downsize our monthly house payment and still have a nice place to live with an acceptable income. And we will be closer to our children (and grandchildren). It looks to be an exciting change possibility.
Even though I will retire from this position, I am looking for a position in the network administration and web page development / site management area in SLC. (I’ve set up a virtual resume at .) Don’t think I am ready to stay at home all day. Although Pam is looking forward to full-time scrapbooking and grandchildren-spoiling.
So, changes are in the wind.