Much progress on the back yard today. A crew of 6 quickly graded the yard, trenched, then finished up all the sprinklers. And there were two dump trucks of dirt delivered late in the day. They will be back tomorrow to spread the dirt and then the grass sod is next (after some concrete edging).
In the meantime, the big pile of dirt attracted three young grandsons – Liam (7), Max (5), and Dane (3). They had a bit of fun climbing all over the pile for about an hour. A bit of water from the hose got most of the dirt off, but I suspect there will be baths in their near future.
My day was spent watching the landscape crew work. And realizing that it would have taken me eight months to do what they did in about eight hours. Heck, it would have taken me 8 days just to figure out the sprinkler plan!