Still working on the stealth project. There’s a bit of ‘feature creep’ — the developer keeps thinking of more nifty things to add. Wait, the developer is me. So that makes those new features great ideas. But the development team (me again) is making good progress on the project. The team thinks that the project will be ready for some outside testing Real Soon Now.
Been a bit hot here, so the basement is a great place to work. We’ve taken the grandkids to the local pool a few times, quite refreshing. And good exercise dragging the kids on their floaties around the pool.
The garden is doing well — not bad for this rookie. Tomato plants are about three feet tall, bushy, and full of green tomatos. The peas were quite nice, but have a short harvest season. Need to plant more next year for the local pea fans. Strawberry plants are still producing well.
Back to the steath project. That development team can get quite impatient.